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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

VTU Engineering Physics-Some suggestions

Modern Physics (Unit 1) - Relatively simple unit. But some derivations you may find difficult to derive during exam if not practiced “writing and study” many times.
Quantum Mechanics (Unit 2) – only a few questions examiners can ask from this unit. Very easy and understandable but problems sometimes may make you a bit nervous.
Electrical conductivity in metals (Unit 3) – Very easy unit and some of the portions already covered during your PUC.
Dielectric and magnetic properties (Unit 4) – Many equations and some derivations may make you skip this unit but just refer previous university question papers where you can find only 4 questions which are always repeating.
Laser (Unit 5) – It’s a natural choice of all students since it is very easy to understand.
Optical fiber and superconductivity (Unit 6) – Optical fiber part is very easy but you may find some difficulty in grasping some superconductivity concepts.
Crystal Physics (Unit 7) – Easy unit but if you are not good in drawings better avoid this.
Material science (Unit8) – Very easy unit. Since this unit includes latest topic nanomaterials, a threat of unexpected questions exist. Otherwise both nanomaterias and ultrasonics are easy to handle.
Ranking based on understandability and scoring scope
1. Laser
2. Electrical conductivity in metals
3. Optical fibers and superconductivity
4. Quantum Mechanics
5. Materials science
6. Modern physics
7. Crystal physics
8. Dielectric and magnetic properties

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